
Performance Management

Many organizations are challenged by the 80/20 rule: their analysts spend 80% of the time gathering information and only 20% analyzing it. We can help you change that paradigm so that the reverse is true.

We view planning, budgeting, forecasting, consolidations, management reporting and analysis as parts of a continuous closed-loop process.

Our solutions allow you to …

  • Gather, integrate, and cleanse data from multiple sources, including general ledgers and currency translations without lT assistance

  • Rapidly deliver reports from a virtually limitless range of business perspectives, including market share, revenue, or ROI
    Quickly twist and turn data as required

  • Create rollups and consolidations instantly ‘on-the-fly’
    Receive proactive alerts of out-of-range exceptions and problems, even when buried at lower levels

  • Create rollups and consolidations instantly ‘on-the-fly’
    Receive proactive alerts of out-of-range exceptions and problems, even when buried at lower levels

  • Automate reports - generate multiple reports with the push of a button

  • Create transparent and efficient budgeting processes

  • Easily judge whether a plan & a budget make sense based on past performance

  • Get the information needed quickly, without IT assistance



  • Legacy Data Integration

    Most companies, despite their best intentions, end up with a portfolio of disparate legacy systems (eg. finance systems, cust . . . . . .

  • Project Management

    Implementing information systems for decision support and financial reporting applications is not a routine operation. Most o . . . . . .

  • Proof of Concepts

    The development of a Proof of Concept model can be an invaluable aid in demonstrating how a piece of software can satisfy a s . . . . . .

  • Strategic Human Resources

    Global Human Resource Services In today’s business environment, the speed of globalization—and the resources . . . . . .

SAP Certified Cognos TM1

Agile Systems LLC
227 Bellevue Way #210
Bellevue, WA 98004

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